ECO 4 is the fourth and final phase of the Energy Company Obligation. ECO4 is a government backed scheme with the purpose of improving the energy efficiency of properties for those people currently being affected by fuel poverty, and also helping those people who have been identified as being vulnerable to the cold.

Although it’s a government backed scheme the actual installations are paid for by the energy companies. Private companies working within the industry can find customers and carry out the work. Once it has been completed to a high standard and signed off then the company can claim the funding from the energy company. Often the amount of funding that can be claimed is more than the cost of the installation, and that is how companies make a profit. However in some instances the installation is more expensive than the amount of funding that can be claimed and in these instances the customer may have to make a contribution if they want the work to proceed.

Once an installation has taken place the customer instantly owns the new products installed so there are no issues whatsoever if that customer decides that they want to sell their home. Sometimes ECO4 can be confused with the old ‘rent a roof’ scheme for free solar panels, however they are completely separate and very different schemes.

Eco Bee Energy will guide you through the entire process from start to finish on your ECO4 journey. Installing the right package of measures for and customer satisfaction is always our number one objective.


There are two main ways that you qualify for ECO4, firstly the property must qualify. This is actually pretty simple, as the scheme is aimed at less efficient properties, your property must have a D rating or below on an EPC (energy performance certificate). If you don’t know what rating your property is don’t worry, we can look it up or do an assessment to produce a rating.

Secondly the occupant must be eligible to receive eco funding. They must be eligible for one of the three routes outlined in the table below. This could be the HHCRO (qualifying benefit) route. The Local Authority Flex Route 1 (Household income of £31,000 a year or less). Or finally Local Authority Flex Route 3 (those affected by long term health conditions). If you have any questions regarding your eligibility for ECO4 then feel free to give us a call or contact us on our live chat.

How to Qualify

    • Pension Credit

    • Universal Credit

    • Income Based Jobseekers Allowance

    • Income Related Employment & Support Allowance

    • Income Support

    • Housing Benefits

    • Tax Credit (Child or Working Tax Credit)

    • Household income less than £31,000 per year.

    • EPC rating of D or below. (a new rating is calculated at the start of each job)

    • A cardiovascular condition.

    • A respiratory disease

    • Limited mobility

    • Immunosuppression